365 Table Topic Questions: Vol. 2

In this series of blog post I’ll be answering very rare and interesting questions that we should all ask ourselves. It’s a good way as well to kick off compelling thoughts.

I happened to stumble in these questions circa 2016 while looking out for ideas to fill in my journal. As I take a look back on my old journal entries I’ve realized how much my answers for these questions have changed. My new experiences in life in the past few years have simply carved me to see things from a different perspective. It just came up on my mind as well to better share my thoughts about each here on my blog.

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

Working on finding or figuring out my art style, writing and illustration wise. Maybe if I did spend more time on that, I’m already a freelance artist or something like that.

7. Do you ask enough questions, or do you settle for what you know?

I’m the kind of person who usually asks more questions and I want to be filled in with clear and specific details.

8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it?

My family and friends. And I think the best thing that I can do for them even from afar is to check in on how they are from time to time and do my best to make sure that they can feel my presence in their life.

9. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?

That having or not having a religious belief shouldn’t affect on how people look and treat someone. Because at the end of the day we are all humans and those things don't really matter. I always try to avoid certain topics such as religion and politics so I’ll just leave it there.

10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

Considering myself as a proper adult by trying my best to get all of my shit together. And trusting someone fully even from a distance.

If you guys want to answer the 365 questions as well, which I think you should because it’s really fun and you can get to know yourself better, you can (CLICK HERE) to see all the questions. Credits to the person who has curated this questions and file. 

Also, I would love to hear your answers!

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