365 Table Topics Questions: Vol. 1

In this series of blog post I’ll be answering very rare and interesting questions that we should all ask ourselves. It’s a good way as well to kick off compelling thoughts.

I happened to stumble in these questions circa 2016 while looking out for ideas to fill in my journal. As I take a look back on my old journal entries I’ve realized how much my answers for these questions have changed. My new experiences in life in the past few years have simply carved me to see things from a different perspective. It just came up on my mind as well to better share my thoughts about each here on my blog. 

1. When was the last time you tried something new? 
It was just recently. I prefer not to say when exactly but I’ll be answering what it was. Unfortunately, it was letting go of something or someone you love passionately because you know you just have to.

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? 
I always compare myself to the younger version of myself. 

3. What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say? 
I think it’ll be “Always be kind and strong at the same time although most of the time life’s twist and turns can make your forget those” 

4. What gets you excited about life? 
Not knowing what’s going to happen in the future or where’s life going to throw me. It really does excite me but sometimes it scares me as well. 

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way? 
Thing doesn’t always happen the way you want and expect it to be. And that just plain sucks. 

If you guys want to answer the 365 questions as well, which I think you should because it’s really fun and you can get to know yourself better, you can (CLICK HERE) to see all the questions. Credits to the person who has curated this questions and file. 

Also, I would love to hear your answers!

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